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Sales Management: an effective sales-oriented business activity

By December 25, 2022No Comments

Sales management is a very important business discipline for companies, it focuses on the practical application of specific sales techniques and the general management of a company’s sales activities. In this article I’m going to deal with the most important points, focusing on the killer features and the advantages that this discipline brings to a business and professional level. I will summarize them in: Working activity Strategies and tools Sales management Customer management. Index of Contents hide Specific activities of Sales Management Sales Planning Sales Reporting Post Sales Management Sales management in the digital age Advantages of sales management for an online business Who is the Sales Management professional? Specific activities of Sales Management Sales Management activities concentrate their work through the sale of products and services and the monitoring of a company’s sales objectives and KPIs. You can make use of various tools to best carry out this activity, among these we highlight the Sales Planning and Sales Reporting. Sales Planning Sales Planning represents a sales strategy , the definition of business objectives based on profit. Future forecasts about a particular business and demand management are also part of a sales plan. A sales plan is a document that defines sales objectives, activities and resources. Usually follows the guidance of a marketing plan , but deepens on what concerns the achievement of objectives through the sale of goods and services. Sales Reporting Sales Reporting, on the other hand, represents a real report of the sales generated which includes the KPIs . The key performance indicators describe the sales trend and processes primarily established in the sales plan. This allows sales managers to make an analysis and act in a timely manner if the progress of the sales processes should be slow. These reports allow a general collection of data and a more precise organization of the work to be performed. Post Sales Management The Sales Management activity does not end with the sale of the product to a potential customer, but probably the most complex phase of the business begins, ie the sale and promotion of additional products or services . The most decisive receipts often and willingly come from the sale of the accessories attached to the main product. Wanting to give a practical example, when we are in a shoe store, the clerk, in addition to selling us the single pair of shoes, offers us products for cleaning them, matching socks or something else (this is the cross-selling activity ). This also happens in digital marketing, especially sales managers will have to be good at selling additional services and more. Sometimes different sales techniques can be used to entice and keep the relationship alive with the customer perhaps by offering bundles or discounts on future purchases. These could be excellent sales maneuvers. To integrate the notions, I wanted to upload a short video on new sales techniques and digital sales Sales management in the digital age The sales activity with the advent of the digital age has undergone various changes. The figure of the digital salesman has undergone a transformation by focusing his business more online . The relationship and interaction between the customer and the seller is of vital importance because this is where the core of the business is concentrated. Establishing a relationship of trust and respect towards your customers right from the start brings benefits both in the present and in the future, by realizing the loyalty of the latter. Once this has been established, it is necessary to take care of the offer selected for your client based on his personal tastes and interests. The fundamental key lies precisely in the personalization of the offer by studying targeted advertising campaigns, using the tools and software that we have available, an example can be that of email marketing . Only in this way can we guarantee complete trust and customer loyalty. If you make the mistake of abusing advertising and perhaps offering products or services that are not in line with the customer’s interests, you end up losing them. Digital sales processes offer interactivity to the relationship with customers, especially in the custom phase of the offers. In this way, the potential customer is allowed to observe all the choices made available to him with the utmost clarity. By doing this a bond is established which will surely lead to new business opportunities in the future . In this regard, I take this opportunity to recommend the Digital Sales course that Digital Coach offers to become a digital professional, learn sales techniques to double your turnover ! DIGITAL SALES COURSE Advantages of sales management for an online business Digitizing sales trends is essential to ensure efficient and effective sales management , starting with the most advanced tools and software available right up to the latest generation mobile apps. There are various tools that the sales manager can use to increase his productivity. The sales agent will have all the necessary digital material at his disposal , such as interactive multimedia catalogues, marketing material, interactive videos, so that he can conclude sales negotiations as quickly as possible . All this material can be used even without an internet connection. Therefore, the negotiations can still be concluded and it will be possible to generate a contract and sign it using the digital signature. Who is the Sales Management professional? As I have already pointed out before, the Sales Management activity forms one of the main keys to a successful , sustainable business that is able to last over the years. Nowadays, the market is increasingly competitive and the scenarios change often, for this reason we must always stay on track and keep updating more and more. Companies must know how to manage all aspects of this discipline in order to better develop their business, do the right market analysis , have a precise marketing plan and above all objectives. All of this must be managed and guided by a competent person and his or her staff, let’s see together what the Sales Management professional does and does. The leading figure in Sales Management is the company’s direct sales manager. He takes care of outlining the company commercial plan, concentrating the focus on the best sales strategies for achieving the objectives, determining the reference target and the budget made available by the company. He also plays the role of trainer, specializing and training his sales staff to create a winning team. The Sales Manager has various characteristics and skills, to be successful it is very important to have various skills, including attention to trends, he must be good at reversing course if something is not going right. He must know how to adapt and he must know how to read the market and its trends well. Must know how to best manage the commercial network with which to focus business and excellent customer management. Leadership skills are part of his skillset. We have therefore ascertained that the Sales Management activity is very important at a company level , but it needs the right components and above all a valid team to be able to achieve any goal. On the other hand, the approach of an expert and competent leader in the sector is fundamental.


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