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Telemarketing and Telesales: what to choose to increase sales?

By December 27, 2022No Comments

The phone is the hub around which much of our daily activities revolve. Over the years its appearance, its technology and the ways in which we use it have changed, but the marketing activities that involve it are the same. Telemarketing and Telesales are still among the best sales channels and manage to turn a simple contact into a customer.

Telemarketing and teleselling are often considered interchangeable activities, but they have unique values that, once understood, can make the difference in the success of a campaign.

While Telesales aims to sell the product or service according to pre-established sales targets, Telemarketing is useful for generating interest, creating opportunities, providing information, optimising customer feedback, setting appointments and obtaining warm leads. Both are important for the success of sales strategies and have distinct characteristics.

Inbound or Outbound?

Telesales for B2B: reaching the target

Telesales is the set of activities that convert a contact into a sale through a telephone conversation. Starting from a database, operators work to transform each contact into a customer. The telesales activity carried out by a professional operator, working on efficient software and properly profiled lists, can be a winning investment for the company that turns to this type of sales strategy.

Compared to Telemarketing the tactics that are implemented by Telesales are much more focused on direct selling, without a second approach or contact from the company.

Discover the first Predictive Platform for Telesales

Telemarketing for B2B: reaching the consumer

Telemarketing, on the other hand, is the set of activities that generate Prospects awareness of the product or service we are selling, i.e. quality contacts. Telemarketing activities allow users to become aware of our offers, creating a link between the person who needs the product and the companies that sell it.

A good Telemarketing campaign can ensure excellent Telesales output, as well as the sales department: this explains in a few words why they are not the same thing. Giving the right time to Telemarketing to find consumers and generate interest in our Brand, product or service, is like sowing a good seed to have a better harvest.

The opportunities offered by Telemarketing are many:

identify and cultivate potential customers.
turn a cold contact into a warm lead for calls or appointments from the sales team.
use inbound calls to profile and offer service that can be the starting point for new sales campaigns in the future.
Investing time to seek out those consumers who are already ready to buy and just waiting to be “contacted” by telesales.
making quality appointments for sales agents.


Author admin

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