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Sales & Marketing is the Adecco Business Line dedicated to the training, search and selection of human resources for the commercial, retail and Brand Communication fields.

By December 24, 2022No Comments

The Adecco Sales & Marketing Specialization transversally follows all the profiles of the sector. Thanks to the experience of our staff, we offer HR solutions to accelerate the process of positioning companies in their reference market. We strategically support our clients in order to identify the best talent for them. We know that those who work in marketing have very specific characteristics; he presents himself as an affable, prepared, creative and competitive professional. In this industry, creativity is at the service of persuasion; sensitivity is oriented towards empathic listening to the customer and intuition grasps unexpressed needs, in order to offer the best possible solution quickly and efficiently. Profiles treated : The Sales & Marketing Specialization researches in the Sales field: Key Account Manager : who manages the relationships with the most prestigious clients of a company. Area Managers : they are the strategists and creators of communication campaigns. Commercial B2B : deals with customer management and business-to-business sales. Promoter : gives visibility to the ongoing promotion and enhances the launch of a new product. Merchandiser : he is the esthete who knows how to make lines and display windows captivating. Store Managers : they are experts in managing the store as a whole. Sales Assistant : assists the customer in the store and interprets their needs. In the field of Marketing: Social Media Manager : increase engagement through social communication. Communication Specialist : studies the most effective communication profile for the company. SEO/SEM Specialist : promotes the visibility of the client’s website on search engines. Digital Marketing Specialist : studies web marketing strategies by planning various actions. Product Specialist : takes care of the entire product life cycle, from launch to customer communication. Marketing Analyst / Trade Marketing Specialist : defines commercial objectives in anticipation of sales, market shares and expected turnover. The latter represent the evolution of the most prominent professionals in the current market. Added value of the service : Thanks to the many years of experience of our staff who use an important platform of HR services and solutions, we are able to quickly identify qualified resources . Our goal is to offer support to companies through strategic advice on the services of: Search and selection of personnel, Provision of Fixed-Term Work, Provision of Permanent Employment e Apprenticeship With the use of channels dedicated to identifying specialists in the sector , we are able to satisfy the need to introduce new professionals into the company workforce. Selection method for Sales & Marketing profiles: The Sales & Marketing section has the main objective of offering flexible solutions, inspiring companies to forward-looking change, within a dynamic and constantly evolving job market. We therefore turn to all those companies wishing to consolidate their market share , increase sales and, finally, study an effective communication profile . To this end, we select the best talent among candidates who meet the requirements of excellence in the sector. The profiling of candidates makes use of a specific methodology aimed at ascertaining their skills. We not only take their basic training into consideration but we evaluate their readiness, dynamism and flexibility, placing the best ones in Sales Academy projects .


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